Europe Tour May-June 2023

Greetings from Central Europe! Blogging from Vienna, where I kick off a nine-week tour taking its course from Vienna to Prague, around the Czech Republic, thence to Germany with three weeks in Berlin, up to Scandinavia and the Baltics.

Started off just last night with a lovely duo gig at CELESTE with Biliana Voutchkova, who is incredibly busy but somehow found time to play with me. The indefatigable Petr Vrba of Prague heard of my coming and put together a powerhouse quartet of extended trumpeters which came to be called QUTRIT: Axel Dörner, Petr Vrba, Tassos Tataroglou, and Djll. We’ll be doing five gigs in five days! — taking us into Slovakia as well as Czechia. Another day is set aside for rehearsing and recording.

My long-term duo partner Tim Perkis now lives in Gothenburg, Sweden. As KINDA GREEN we’ve been creating sonic disturbances since 2003, but we go back to 1996 at least (on my release Electro-Ecstatic). We just released our second collection of tracks, KINDA, on the Artifact Recordings imprint. We’re still setting up shows in Oslo, Gothenburg, Helsinki, and Vilnius.

See you soon!

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